Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Grill the Best Burger - Burger 101

I'm a little bummed summer is over and will continue to use my grill this winter at least for a while.

Burgers from the grill just taste better!

  • Make sure the grill is the appropriate temperature Medium-low to medium heat is best. Too hot, and burgers burn on the outside before getting done on the inside. Keep the lid closed while cooking; it shortens cooking time and keeps burgers moist.
  • Use beef that is no leaner than 85% A little fat keeps burgers moist and flavorful. For ground chicken and turkey, add a little olive oil or broth to the mixture. I prefer the 80/20 combo
  • Use a gentle touch Mix ingredients just until combined. Overworked meat makes for a tough burger.
  • Don't form patties too thick or too thin A ¾-inch thick patty is ideal. To keep patties from swelling in the middle, make small indentations in the center.
  • Always clean and oil the grill grate This prevents burgers from sticking, extends the life of your grate, and helps put those beautiful grill marks on your patties.
  • Turn burgers only once And it's hard to resist, but try not to flatten your burgers with the spatula. It squeezes out flavorful juices.
  • Cook burgers properly Cook ground beef to an internal temperature of 160 degrees F (170 degrees F for poultry). For an accurate reading, insert the thermometer into the patty horizontally.

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