Sunday, July 20, 2008

Recession Food

Great article from regarding beef and the recession....

Restaurants Respond to Rising Prices

"Bottled or tap?" is the first thing we're asked in restaurants, which always irritates me. The bottled water option seemed to coincide with the "paper or plastic" choice at the supermarket, with both questions making a statement about our values. Tap = cheap just as plastic = not ecologically aware. To be seen as people of valor, we have to order pricey bottled water and produce our own reusable shopping bags.

Because of rising food costs and our weakened economy, restaurants are troubled. Customers are eating out less frequently, ordering less expensive items and sharing. Restaurants are reducing the size of portions, switching to cheaper ingredients, buying smaller plates. Ground chuck is the new kobe beef; liver is the new foie gras. Watered down drinks are the new drinks.

A restaurant that uses a professional menu designer will place its most profitable dish third on the list as that's proven to be the most frequently chosen item. My hunch is it'll be bottled water.

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